The Grim Sleeper - Talking with America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Lonnie Franklin by: Victoria Redstall ISBN10: 1789460387
ISBN10 1789460387
PUBLISHER John Blake Publishing Ltd
TYPE 320 Page Book
LAST UPDATED: 2018-08-08

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The Grim Sleeper - Talking with America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Lonnie Franklin

The Grim Sleeper - Talking with America's Mos...

The Grim Sleeper - Talking with America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Lonnie Franklin was written by and Victoria Redstall. The 320 page book was published by John Blake Publishing Ltd in 2018 with an ISBN 10 of 1789460387. Most books are now available in ebook, pdf and audible formats. If you need more information about this publication, it can be purchased at or Google Books. If the book is older and/or out of print book try to locate a copy on The Grim Sleeper - Talking with America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Lonnie Franklin mentions 1 serial killers including Lonnie David Franklin. The author Victoria Redstall has 3 book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.

This book mentions 1 Serial Killers:

Book Summary

During the mid-1980s, a brutal killing spree began in Los Angeles as several women were murdered, having been sexually assaulted and shot in the chest with a .25 calibre gun. The man responsible was Lonnie David Franklin Jr. However, his identity wouldn't be revealed for almost thirty years, by which time he had become one of America's most prolific serial killers. At the time, Los Angeles was a city struggling under the weight of racial inequalities and a crack cocaine epidemic that was sweeping through its most deprived areas. Many in the communities of South Central felt that this caused a lack of interest on the part of the LAPD in properly investigating the these murders. In 2010, Franklin's escape from justice finally came to an end,...

1 TotalAuthors

3 Books Books By Victoria Redstall
Serial Killers - Up Close and Very Personal by: Victoria Redstall ISBN10: 1843588390 The Grim Sleeper by: Victoria Redstall ISBN10: 1786068664 The Grim Sleeper - Talking with America's Most Notorious Serial Killer, Lonnie Franklin by: Victoria Redstall ISBN10: 1789460387 View 3 books written by
Author Victoria Redstall

1 Total Serial Killers Mentioned

16 Books Books about Lonnie David Franklin
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Serial Killer Lonnie David Franklin