Tom Shachtman (Author)

Tom Shachtman has authored/co-authored at least 5 Book(s) base on or surrounding serial killers. Serial Killers mentioned by this author include Herbert Mullin, John Joubert, Earle Leonard Nelson, Montie Rissell, Carlton Gary, Richard Trenton Chase, Jerome Jerry Brudos, William Heirens, and Norman Afzal Simons. Edmund Kemper, Donald Leroy Evans,

Tom Shachtman has 5 Book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.
Publishers include Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, The publisher(s) and author(s) listed hold all rights related to the property of work and/or the property's copyright.

The below books were authored or co-authored by Tom Shachtman.

I Have Lived in the Monster by: Robert K. Ressler ISBN10: 0312964293
Robert K. Ressler
I Have Lived in the Monster
Whoever Fights Monsters by: Robert K. Ressler ISBN10: 1250084997
Robert K. Ressler
Whoever Fights Monsters
Whoever Fights Monsters by: Robert K. Ressler ISBN10: 0312950446
Robert K. Ressler
Whoever Fights Monsters
Whoever Fights Monsters by: Robert K. Ressler ISBN10: 0312304684
Robert K. Ressler
Whoever Fights Monsters
Whoever Fights Monsters by: Robert K. Ressler ISBN10: 0312078838
Robert K. Ressler
Whoever Fights Monsters

5 books Authored by
Tom Shachtman

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
0312304684 Whoever Fights Monsters 1
0312078838 Whoever Fights Monsters 1
0312964293 I Have Lived in the Monster 2
1250084997 Whoever Fights Monsters 5
0312950446 Whoever Fights Monsters 4