Mark Moran (Author)

Mark Moran has authored/co-authored at least 4 Book(s) base on or surrounding serial killers. Serial Killers mentioned by this author include and Alferd Packer. Jake Bird, Richard Biegenwald, Lee Roy Martin, New Bedford Highway Killer,

Mark Moran has 4 Book(s) listed on Killer.Cloud used for the purpose of documenting facts about Serial Killers listed in our database.
Publishers include Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., Arcadia Publishing, Sterling Publishing Company, The publisher(s) and author(s) listed hold all rights related to the property of work and/or the property's copyright.

The below books were authored or co-authored by Mark Moran.

Death on the Devil's Teeth by: Jesse P. Pollack ISBN10: 162585157x
Jesse P. Pollack
Death on the Devil's Teeth
Weird U.S. by: Mark Sceurman ISBN10: 1402745443
Mark Sceurman
Weird U.S.
Weird Carolinas by: Roger Manley ISBN10: 1402739397
Roger Manley
Weird Carolinas
Weird Washington by: Jeff Davis ISBN10: 1402745451
Jeff Davis
Weird Washington

4 books Authored by
Mark Moran

ISBN10 Book Title Killers
1402745451 Weird Washington 1
162585157x Death on the Devil's Teeth 2
1402739397 Weird Carolinas 1
1402745443 Weird U.S. 1